這些方法已廣泛接受並遵從,由聖者巴坦佳里Patanjali提出的冥想靜思 (Dhyana)是一種具有高度科學、實際性的系統,現以「八支瑜珈」(Ashtanga
註一:(Ashtanga Yoga非現今以體位法為主之阿思坦佳瑜珈,而是以八個步驟為主之瑜珈修習的瑜珈又稱Raja王瑜珈)」
1st December
Most Prominent of the Methods
The ancient sages had formulated certain
well-defined and workable methods by which man can establish union with the
Divine. It is a means of compressing one’s evolution within a single lifetime,
even within a few years of this particular life. Of the many methods that are
widely accepted and followed, the path of Dhyana is the highly scientific,
practical, graduated system of Maharshi Patanjali, otherwise known as Ashtanga
The reason for this unique importance is that Patanjali
Maharshi’s system is based upon the most rationally comprehensive consideration
of man in every aspect of his being.It has taken man as he is constituted
fundamentally, divested of incidental association. It takes man as a centre of
pure consciousness, localized within enfolding sheaths of matter of varying
degrees of subtlety. Conceived in this light, man is basically the same the
world over in all periods of time. This system is the universal one and is for
all times, and offers a process that is practicable to every type of the
average individual. It is characterized by the most intelligent synthesis and a
very beautiful graduation.