2013年10月29日 星期二






29th October

The Maintenance of Brahmacharya


    Even looking at a person of the opposite sex is forbidden, for the creative activity of the psychological organ will at once manifest itself and start the diversifying function. No kind of contact with the opposite sex is allowed. Even a sexual thought has the baneful effect of irritating the formative power. The restraint of the action of the creative psyche is immediately loosened the moment it is invaded by the thought of the working of the opposite sex. Thus the spiritual energy gets disintegrated and does not serve the purpose of constructive Realization. Objects which rouse the lower appetite are to be dispensed with and company of persons in whom there is sexual preponderance should be avoided.




第十三梯 秋季修復瑜珈線上課程 12/17 - 2/28 即日起開始註冊-12/10截止報名

  第十三 梯 冬 季修復瑜珈 線上課程 12/17 - 2/28  即日起開始註冊 12/15截止報名 第十 三 梯  冬季修復瑜珈 12/17- 2/28 時間 一   二 ...