2013年11月1日 星期五

>. 瑜珈練習的基礎





註一: 丁尼生.英國桂冠詩人,1809 8 5 日生。肄業於劍橋大學,詩作題材廣泛,想像豐富,形式完美,詞藻綺麗,音調鏗鏘。 維基百科

17th November

Groundwork of Yoga-Practice

All methods of Yoga have ethical training and moral perfection as their basis. The eradication of vices and the development of certain virtues form the first step in the ladder of Yoga. The disciplining of your nature and the formation of a steady and pure character through a set of right habits and regular daily observances is the next step. Upon this firm foundation of a well-established and virtuous moral character is built the further structure of Yoga.

      Upon the basis of moral purity, awaken yourself to the conscious realization of your oneness with the Supreme Self. Think of the Self continuously. As Tennyson says: “ Let thy voice rise like a fountain for Me night and day.” This is the real spiritual practice of Brahma-Abhyasa. It will lead you to Self-realisation.

