2013年11月18日 星期一









23rd June


The Meaning of Manliness


    “Manly” refers to all the qualities and traits worthy of a man. Manliness is the quality of soul which frankly accepts all conditions in human life and makes it a point of honor not to be dismayed or wearied by them, it is more than courage. We speak of manly gentleness or tenderness, -- such as firmness, bravery, undaunted spirit, dignified nature, nobility and stateliness. Manliness is freedom from childishness, boyishness, and womanishness.



第十三梯 秋季修復瑜珈線上課程 12/17 - 2/28 即日起開始註冊-12/10截止報名

  第十三 梯 冬 季修復瑜珈 線上課程 12/17 - 2/28  即日起開始註冊 12/15截止報名 第十 三 梯  冬季修復瑜珈 12/17- 2/28 時間 一   二 ...