2013年11月8日 星期五

>. 靈修日誌 / 四月二十五日





      靈性的成長是循序漸進的,它是一種進化的過程。你不應該是處在一種狂熱似的渴望想立刻達到一種偉大瑜珈士的技藝,或想在兩三個月裏便進入了三摩地意識裡 。瑜珈的學習有如攀梯,你必須要一步一步來,這個靈性的道路是必須要一個階段完方接下一個階段的。。


25th April


Feverish Hurry and Progressive Evolution


             Spiritual growth is gradual. There is progressive evolution. You should not be in a feverish hurry to accomplish great Yogic feats or enter into Nirvikalpa Samadhi in two or three months. You will have to ascend the ladder of Yoga step by step. You will have to march in the spiritual path stage by stage.


2013年11月7日 星期四

>.靈修路上的危險陷阱-- 2



靈修路上的危險陷阱-- 2









26th March

Perilous Pitfalls on the Path - 2

    Sinning and evil has become so much a habit with man that he never feels that he is committing them even though day and night he is doing so constantly. And the greatest harm is done by the fact that even while in this unregenerate state, the aspirant becomes deluded by Maya into thinking that he has already progressed considerably in spirituality. He deceives himself with the thought that as far as he is concerned he is pretty advanced in Sadhana. He thinks that he has acquired that Nirlipta (unattached) attitude where he can commit any form of act and yet remain unaffected by it.

       Under this grave delusion he allows himself to be unrestrained and runs wild, intolerant of criticism, resentful of the least opposition, utterly disregardful of others’ feelings and absolutely unamenable to advice and correction. All sense of discrimination, sane judgment and introspection vanish from him. Even the common courtesy and culture possessed by an ordinary worldly man take leave of the aspirant on account of his presumption of spiritual advancement and growth in wisdom. He becomes disposed to attack even venerable and elderly persons and spiritually superior souls. Fully realize the importance of becoming a changed man ethically and morally, before you can claim to be a Sadhaka. The aspirant should carefully avoid the dangers of self-deception by constant vigilance and introspection. When his nature is changed, purified and prepared, the Divine Grace will spontaneously flood his Heart and enlighten him.

>.靈修路上的危險陷阱- 1



靈修路上的危險陷阱- 1




誠心的慢慢剷除驕傲、自我、和忌妒,認真的和不斷的反省自己的缺點和改善自身 ,處在進步的希望中‧







25th March


Perilous Pitfalls on the Path - 1


     Right from the very beginning of one’s spiritual life, one must understand clearly that in true “ humanity” – sincere desire to root out gradually pride, egoism and jealousy, earnest and unceasing introspection to find out one’s own defects and improve oneself – lies one’s hope of progress. Without this basis, any form of Sadhana becomes a delusion and waste. It makes the aspirant puffed up, more proud and egoistic. When this happens, all good advice and instructions fall flat upon him. Higher influences cease to have any effect as the aspirant becomes deliberately and obstinately non-receptive to them. Eternal vigilance should be exercised if he is to avoid falling into this dangerous state. Spiritual life is not a light matter.






    有時意識會有一小段的時間停在一個靜止的狀況註一(TUSHNIM AVASTHA三摩地的一種狀況)











註一 : 三摩地有三種狀態。一、是清醒的狀態JAGRATA AVASTA;二是在睡夢中SWAPNA;三是深睡的狀況SUSHUPTHA。而第四種則介於深睡和清醒之間TUSHNIM AVASTHA


在介於第四種則介於深睡和清醒之間TUSHNIM AVASTHA。是最易讓一些修習者迷惑的,以為當那種迷茫和短暫失去身體覺知的狀況便是三摩地,其實是誤解。

TUSHNIM AVASTHA三摩地(我們可稱它為昏沉的狀態)的狀況。是介於深睡和清醒之間,一般人若在靜坐時快進入到睡著時和打瞌睡時,會短暫失去,身體是沉重的。但到達TUSHNIM AVASTHA三摩地時身心的感覺是輕盈的,沒有雜思和任和思緒的。這是其顯著的不同。


21st March


Samadhi and Certain Similar Mental state


    For a short time, sometimes the mind finds itself in quiescence. In this state of mind there is neither Raja nor Dvesha; this silent mental state is called Tushnim Avastha It occurs in waking state , the Jagrat Avastha. The aspirant mistakes this neutral state of mind, for Samadhi. This is an obstacle on the path of God-realization, and should, therefore, be overcome by careful introspection and vigorous meditation. Through experience and acute acumen, a Sadhaka can find out exactly the nature of the various states of mind. He should adopt effective methods to control them.  


2013年11月6日 星期三

# 按一下吧!

Namaste dear yogi


很多的祝福 給善知識,⋯⋯

很多的感謝 給每一個人~






(好的, 今天影片畫質好多了.把dada累壞了呀) 在本集中您將學習到: 1.令人絕望受傷也能有希望和出路. 2.瑜珈的廣泛和您所不知的養生範疇. 3.一個弱雞女性在一個半月中一天10 分鐘, 練成頭倒立, 羨慕死多年還學不會並浪費高昂費用的人. 4.讓我們來聽聽瑜珈除了給健...