人依附著自然,依附著鄰居,簡而言之, 人類所依附的都是稍縱即逝的事物,人變成一個被分割的不完整的個人,被懷疑,恐懼,苦惱所折磨著‧
3rd March
True Freedom and the Inextricable Snares of Ignorance
Hindu and Buddhist
thinkers, with a singular unanimity declare that Avidya (ignorance) is the
source of or anguish and all our trouble. Man’s nature of oneness with the
living universe is lost. He develops an egocentric view of life and puts his
individual preference above social welfare; He develops an acquisitive instinct
and looks upon every other being as his potential enemy. He clings to nature,
to his neighbors, in short, to everything, which is evanescent. He becomes a
divided being, tormented by doubt, fear, suffering. There is a split in his
oneness. The world lives in incessant fear. Religion is the conquest of fear,
an antidote to failure and death. We cannot dispel out doubts by drugging
ourselves with illusions. True freedom from fear is gained by Wisdom.