2013年11月15日 星期五











10th April
Discernment of the Right Action
       When something is done, if there ensures as your personal experience joy, exhilaration or satisfaction, understand that you are doing right action; but if you experience fear, shame, doubt or pricking of conscience, know that you are doing a wrong action. A constant awareness of the Divine, eliminates all possible tendencies to wrong action This will empower your mind with a strongly marked moral judgment which will discern easily and pronounce if a particular action be right or wrong, good or bad. Whenever you perform an action, if you experience an elevation of mind, a sense of ease and brightness, know that action to be right.
    Do not do any act which bring no good to others or which will make you repent later on or ashamed. Do such acts which are praiseworthy and which bring good to you and to others. This is a brief description of right conduct. Moral precepts have been made to free one another from all injuries.
     It is the motive that counts in the performance of an action. Right and wrong are to be determined, not by the objective consequences, but by the nature of the subjective intention of the agent. God looks to the motive of the doer.


2013年11月14日 星期四









我們共同的命運便是招致 大環境的毀滅,貽禍子孫。


Dada In the morning

2013年11月12日 星期二

>. 無以倫比的朋友和可怕的敵人

















Incomparable Friends and Formidable Foes


      There is no eye like intuition, no blindness like ignorance, no evil like lust, no enemy like anger. There is no friend like Atman, no virtue like Satyam no shelter like the lotus feet of the Lord, no wealth like the spiritual wealth. Therefore develop the eye of intuition, eradicate ignorance and lust, kill this enemy anger make friendship with Atman and attain the Supreme Wealth of God-realization.


     There is greater obstacle to divine life and meditation than the craving on carnal pleasures. Kill this craving through enquiry, dispassion and meditationFlesh is your invulnerable foeLive in the Spirit or Atman and annihilate this formidable foe. March forward, O brave soldier

2013年11月9日 星期六

>. 良心的忠告















但是,良心問:這樣做對嗎? 它快速的讓你做對的選擇,避開錯誤,告訴你應該做的對事‧



7th April


The Counsel of the Conscience


      Conscience is a sensitive balance to weigh action; it is a guiding voice from within. When you do a wrong action, the conscience pricks you. You experience pinpricks. It says to you in a clear, small, shrill voice:” Do not do this wrong action my friend. It will bring misery to you. A conscientious man at once ceases to act wrongly and further and becomes wise. Cowardice asks:”is it safe?. Avarice asks :”is there any gain in it? vanity asks:”Can I become famous? Lust asks:”is there pleasure? But Conscience asks:”is it right?. Conscience prompts you to choose the right instead of the wrong, and tells you that you ought to do the right.









唱誦太陽神咒(Surya Mantra)將得到健康、精力、活力,這太陽的光輝將消除肉體和眼睛的疾病,並避開所有的危險和傷害。反覆的唱誦梵咒有著神秘的力量,喚醒神性的顯相,就好像一個分裂的原子,表現了潛伏在內的巨大力量。



3rd April


Rationale of the Mantra-Repetition


        Mantra is Daivi Sakti, Divine Power, manifesting in a sound-body. Constant repletion of the Mantra with faith, devotion and purity augments the Sakti of the aspirant, purifies and awakens the Mantra Chaitanya latent in the Mantra and bestows on the Sadhaka Manta Siddhi, illumination, freedom, peace and immortality. By constant repetition of the mantra the Sadhaka imbibes the virtues and powers of the Deity that presides over the Mantra. Repetition of Surya Mantra bestows health, vigor, vitality, “brilliance, removes bodily and eye diseases, and wards off all danger and harm. The repetition of a Mantra has a mysterious power of bringing about the manifestation of the Divinity, just as the splitting of an atom manifests the tremendous forces latent in it.



(好的, 今天影片畫質好多了.把dada累壞了呀) 在本集中您將學習到: 1.令人絕望受傷也能有希望和出路. 2.瑜珈的廣泛和您所不知的養生範疇. 3.一個弱雞女性在一個半月中一天10 分鐘, 練成頭倒立, 羨慕死多年還學不會並浪費高昂費用的人. 4.讓我們來聽聽瑜珈除了給健...