Swami Sivananda 解釋人類不斷輪迴的種種乃”慾望”所生。而欲望的實現與滿足並非想望和努力便可成功,有時需要一個適當的機緣方能實現。一個人若沉溺在慾望的驅使中,不斷因鑽牛角尖所得到的痛苦將導致不斷的輪迴痛苦,一直到有所覺悟時方止。
10th August
Significance of
Life and Death
Life is a scene where the individual puts on
the dress of the form of a certain amount of desires which can be fulfilled in
the special environment afforded by it, and death is the time when the
individual goes behind the screen and puts on a new dress to appear in another
scene of life in order to fulfill another quality of desires which cannot find
the required atmosphere for fruition in the present life, but demand a fresh
suitable environment. When properly understood neither of them is dreadful.