2013年12月10日 星期二





要如何不理一個罪惡的想法呢? 就是-忘了它~

要如何忘記呢? 就是不要一再沉迷於它,不要反覆的一直想它~




21st July

The Three- Pronged Method

When an evil thought harasses the mind, the best method of conquering it is by ignoring it. How can we ignore an evil thought? By forgetting it. How can we forget? By not indulging in it again, and also by not brooding over it. How can we prevent the mind from indulging in it again or brooding over it? By thinking of something very interesting, something sublime and inspiring. Ignoring, Forgetting, Thinking, of something inspiring, --- these three constitute the great Sadhana for establishing mastery over evil thoughts.



第十三梯 秋季修復瑜珈線上課程 12/17 - 2/28 即日起開始註冊-12/10截止報名

  第十三 梯 冬 季修復瑜珈 線上課程 12/17 - 2/28  即日起開始註冊 12/15截止報名 第十 三 梯  冬季修復瑜珈 12/17- 2/28 時間 一   二 ...